Well, it is that time of year again. Time for New Years Resolutions, thinking you want to do something, but sometimes not really making it happen. Last year I had a goal to work out everyday. Well I made it a month or so until Ashlynn got sick with pneumonia. It was really hard to take a sick baby to the day care at Gold's Gym to keep working out. So I stopped....

Well we have a friend that put together a Biggest Loser Challenge. I saw it one day on his facebook status and was excited. I told him that Ty and I would do it, even without asking Ty... haha! So here is how it works. Each person pays 10 dollars at the start of the Challenge. We have 90 days to lose as much weight as we can and at the end of the challenge we will see who has lost the most and they win the jackpot of all the money!!! I am so going to win that money man! Curtis told us the other day that so far there are 23 or 24 people doing it, even the mayor is doing it! It is going to be so fun!
So here is the plan for us.... We are going to be doing the P90X workout!

I have been reading on the internet about it. I am not completely aware of everything you have to do, all I know is there are different workouts for each day and its a good workout. Ty said that they use this for Fire Fighters to get into shape. Well, I guess we are going to be doing it. There are a few guys on the Fire Department that are going to do P90X also. Ty and Brenden were talking last night about doing a firefighter calendar after they do the workouts cuz they will be ripped sexy things.. ha!
Along with the workouts you have a meal plan. Eating high proteins and so on. I will see what happens. I may start out with the rest of my Herbalife stuff and then use their meal plan, but I dont know. All I do know is I have a good 40-50 pounds that I would love to shed, if not more. When I went to the doctor's office the other day, I wanted to cry when they weighed me. :(
We went to Wal-Mart the other day, we decided, together, that we wanted to just not get each other anything for Christmas, and instead buy some workout equipment. We have a treadmill downstairs, which I am going to start running on, on top of the workout stuff. We bought 200 dollars worth of stuff to use.
I am way excited! This all begins on Dec 28th.. well Ty and I probably wont start it til we get back from my dad's for New Years, but that is ok. That just means we have to work extra hard! We will take before pics and measurements, and yes, I am going to keep track on here! I am sorry if you dont want to see the cute 'FAT' pictures, but oh well. :) Wish us luck all, I will keep you posted!!