Wow.. I am a big slacker on the whole blogging thing lately. Life has been going crazy for us the last month. Ill try to get everything updated in this post so we can be up to date as much as possible...
First of all, here is the final picture from my Kitchen remodel. I forgot to add it from before.
So what do you think? I really like it. I am still trying to decide whether or not I want to distress them or not. I think we will get the hardware and then decide.
Ashlynn had her pictures taken on a virtual backdrop this month. I just got them back and they look awesome! Here are a few of my favorite
About a week before Christmas it decided to rain NON STOP. It started Saturday before Christmas, then come Monday night we started flooding... The next few days were crazy, We were hardly home, I spent most of my time either at the fire station at the EOC we set up or sleeping a little bit that I could at home. I have never see that much water so close to me. It was starting to scare me because I live in a flood plain. I was worried that my house was going to get more water than what it was already getting.. here are a few pics that other people took around the valley. I wasn't able to get out and about because I was having to document everything going on.

This year for Christmas, both kids were gone. Ashlynn went to her dad's and Kody went to his moms. We opened presents the day that they both left and I think they were pretty excited to see what they got. We got a family gift that was a WII. Its pretty fun to play together. I took a few pics but I cant seem to find where I put them so I will have to look for them and add them later.
I hope everyone's holiday was great and I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year! I am excited to see what 2011 is going to bring for me and my family!