The rules are: Post 10 honest confessions about yourself, then tag 5 people to do the same.1.
I hate stupid people. I hate when people don't have common sense. Its not that hard to figure somethings out and there are some people in this world that just have no common sense. STUPID!
I hate cleaning up pee off the floor by the toilet. Boys read up... if you pee and it misses the HUGE hole to pee in, wipe it up! I get sick of cleaning up pee from around the toilet that I obviously don't create there.
I love being a mom. This is the best thing in the world! I feel so lucky to have a little girl that looks up to me and that I get to teach her everyday. I love to see each new day and know that I get to share another special moment with her. I can't wait til she is old enough to do the same!
Springtime is my favorite season. I love being outside. My favorite thing to do is plant flowers and my garden. I am so excited for it to be springtime this year. I am hoping for a complete yard makeover. I want to make it my yard! I kinda rushed last year to get things planted. Didn't take my time and wish that I would have. I really want to have a beautiful yard like my grandma did. Bring on the springtime!
I hate people who spread rumors. If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all. If you don't know the truth, keep your mouth shut! Simple as that!!
. I have the best boyfriend. I couldn't ask for a better man in my life. He means so much to me. I love that I get to me a mom. He works so hard to let me stay at home with Ashlynn. I know sometimes I can be a pain in the butt, but he puts up with me! I love him!
I love being an EMT. I love having the capability of saving peoples lives. Its such a reward to know that you have done something good for someone else. I hope to better myself as an EMT and keep it up for as long as I can!
I hate doing laundry. It seems like it never ends. You get done with the laundry you have done for the past week and the next day its time to do it again.
I hate driving in St George. St George drivers SUCK! I hate driving with them. Everyone is in such a hurry to get to the place that they have to be. They like to cut people off and pull out in front of them and then go slow so everyone has to slam on the breaks. So ya, I hate it. I love living out in BFE where I don't have to worry about that!!
I hate shaving. I swear I have to shave my darn armpits every freaking day! I hate it! You should see my legs right now.. no wait, you shouldn't! So ya I have shaving, hate taking the extra time in the shower. Wish I could just have it removed and never have to worry about it again!
I tag..... Gina, Kierston, Caitlin, Rachel, and Janice!!