On another note, I have no idea what to get Ty for Valentines Day... I mean, I want to get him something, just don't know what to get. We both have to work on Sunday, so not like its going to be that special or anything.... lol :) Hopefully we will get a date night sometime soon to celebrate! He keeps telling me he isnt getting me anything... guess we will wait and see...
The next 3 weeks are going to be a little crazy! I practically have something planned every weekend. I hope Ty bares with me the next few months. Its getting back into dance competition season for my little sister and I am so excited! I am excited to see her new solo this year, Its going to me awesome! I hope I get my new camera before all the competitions are over! I need a new one to take pictures with for it!
Well work will be over in 2.5 hours! I am pretty stoked, only because I will go home and sleep for a few short hours and get up to drive to see my family! CANT WAIT!
Sorry to hear about your mom...I hope things work out for the best. My husband and i celebrated Valentines Day early, but I think it's kind of a weird holiday, and I don't know how to celebrate it. I hope you can get your much needed vacation...sounds like you really need one! Good luck with everything