I just have to make a post about my cute daughter. I know almost every post is about her, but she just does so many cute and fun things that I want to share with those who aren't around us all the time!
She came home from her dad's house on Sunday and I had a late birthday present from my Aunt Laurie for her. She opened it and was in LOVE!! My aunt made her a blanket for her baby doll. She also gave her a new baby doll. She carried that thing around for the whole night and ever since. Everytime she needed it wrapped up she would bring it to me to have it swaddled again! She loves to rock-a-bye the baby too. The best was the other day when she walked into the kitchen with her doll in her arms and told me to 'shhhh'. It was so cute! Here are a few pictures of her from the other day.... Thanks for new baby and her blanket Aunt Laurie! We love it!!

We were laying in my bed last night watching TV, I leaned over to Ashlynn and asked if she wanted to go for a ride in the truck and get some Ice Cream. Ty had said how he wanted to go for a drive so I thought it would be a good time to go and get some Ice Cream, which I was wanting sooo bad. So Ashlynn climbed off my bed and ran into her room to get some shoes yelling 'cream cream'. I think she was pretty excited. Well we got into the truck and Ty decided that he wanted to go see the new Milk Dairy in New Castle, we stopped to get Adam, Kori, and Sara to go with us, and we headed on our way.
I couldnt believe how HUGE that dairy is! It is probably double the size of the one that my dad use to work at. DAD, you would be jealous of this one... it is all INDOOR!! The cows are all housed inside of a barn - where you can drive down the center of it to feed them. When they walk them to the milking barn, its all indoor. The milking barn itself is double the length of Russells is. Its crazy!! Ashlynn loved looking at the cows! When we were on our way over there I told her we were going to go look at cows and she started to 'MOO'. It was so cute! She loves animals! Anyways, Dad, the next time you are down this way we will have to go over there, it is pretty neat!!
After checking out the new dairy, we headed back to Enterprise and stopped at Marvs for Ice Cream. We met Melinda and Curtis there too! Ashlynn was so excited to get her Ice Cream cone, I took at few pictures of her eating it. I just cant get enough of how fun she is!

Notice the 'Little Mermaid' shirt she is wearing... I got it at DI the other day for 1$. She loves that shirt and wants to wear it everywhere we go. She cried the other day when I put it in the washer... I need to find another one!