If you don't think every day is a good day, just try missing one.
~Cavett Robert
So I have had a not so good day today. I dont know what was
wrong with me. I dont know if it was the fact that I got up to early or since Ashlynn was winey. All day today I was onry. I yelled at the dogs. I yelled at Ty. I yelled at Ashlynn. I was just in a yelling mood. I put myself on time out. It was kinda nice. As I sat here at work all night, I have been thinking at how childish I have acted all day. I came across this quote and thought that this should be somewhere I can seen it all time to read it. How true is this statement? I read it and thought, "try missing one?", that isn't what I want. I feel really bad about how I treated everyone at my house today. I am going to try to keep this quote where I can see it so I can work on my attitude everyday and have good days!

That is a great quote! I hope today is better for ya! :)