Thursday, August 12, 2010

Him & Me... Neat lil quiz!

1. Sitting in front of the tv, what is on the screen? History Channel, HBO True Blood, or News
2. You're out to eat; what kind of dressing does he get on his salad? Ranch
3. Whats one food he doesn't like? Lasagna... reminds him of layers of skin... yuck!
4. You go out to a restaurant, what does he get to drink? um.. Id have to say either Diet Coke or regular
5. Where did he go to high school? Snow Canyon High School
6. What is one phrase he says all the time? He has lots that he says!
7. If he was to collect anything what would it be? Hats... like baseball caps.. he has tonz!
8. What is his favorite type of sandwich? Tomato and thats it!
9. What would he eat everyday if he could? Mashed Potatoes
10. What is his favorite cereal? Don't know if he has one.. never eats them
11. What would he never wear? Pink or a dress... :)
12. What is his favorite sports team? Not sure if he has one, he likes to watch the Jazz
13. Who will he vote for? I believe he is a republican....
14. Who is his best friend? His brother Tommy
15. How many states has he lived in? 3 (UT, WY, AND CANADA)
16. Does he have any nervous habits? No just ADHD, has to do 3 things at once :)
17. What could he spend hours doing? FISHING.. he LOVES to fish!
18. He is: a hard worker, awesome father to Kody and Ashlynn, loves unconditionally, is my best friend. :)

1. Sitting in front of the tv, what's on the screen? um... well if Ashlynn is with me, Disney Channel. If not, then CSI Miami, House, anything like that!
2. You're out to eat; what kind of dressing does she get on her salad? Ranch, unless its at Olive Garden, then its Italian! Yum!
3. What is one food she doesn't like? um... I can't really think of anything
4. You go out to a restaurant what does she get to drink? COKE all the WAY!
5. Where did she go to high school? Snow Canyon High School
6. What is one phrase she says all the time? NO! Jerk Face
7. If she was to collect anything, what would it be? anything really...
8. What is her favorite type of sandwich? ham and cheese
9. What would she eat everyday if she could? toast and strawberry jam
10. What is her favorite cereal? I have lots of favorites!
11. What would she never wear? um I would never wear a mini skirt and hooker boots.. lol!
12. Who will she vote for? She doesn't vote :(
13. Who is her best friend? Well I have lots of friends: Ty, Melinda, Brandi, Mori, My mom.. just to name a few 
14. What is her favorite sports team? Jazz is the only one I watch
15. How many states has she lived in ? 2 (UT and CA)
16. Does she have any nervous habits? Biting my finger nails... sad I know!
17. What could she spend hours doing? Playing with Ashlynn, baking, watching CSI!
18. She is: ready for a vacation with ONLY TY! :)

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