We were there for a few minutes and I just had to leave. Its so hard to walk in the back door and look directly into the living room and see Grandpa's green rocking chair and not see his relaxing with his dog, whoopi, in his lap. Everytime I see that chair I break down and cry so hard. I miss him so much. I miss being able to give him a hug, or him saying everything will be ok. I know that he is so much happier in Heaven with my Grandma, but I just cant see us camping, farming, or riding four wheelers without him. He lived for that kind of stuff. I remember the last time we went camping, he was like a 10 year old on a four wheeler. He wanted to go the fastest and the longest. If there was a river or muddy hole or something like that, you would see him in it! I remember as a younger child, when we would go get cattle off the mountain. My dad, Grandpa Childs, and I would ride horses and try to find the cows. It was always amazing to me at how at peace and relaxed Grandpa was on his horse. Oh, its so hard to see us doing that now without him and his encourgement when you were scared that the horse was going to buck you off.
We were deciding on what Clinton should do for the funeral yesterday and my dad was talking about grandpa. The thing that he said that started all of the crying yesterday was, and in his words I will type this... 

It doesnt matter what has happened, you should always be thinking of Grandpa. Whenever you feel the wind blow or whenever you see the leaves or pine needles move, or feel a breeze run across your face, know that it is him. He may not be alive, or be here to hug you, but he is still there. He didnt go anywhere, he is still here.
Well, I thought about that all day yesterday and it is very true. He really is still here, until you push it away. In everything you do, he is still watching you from heaven.
We have some drama that is going to start unfolding, I will write about that tomorrow. Today I want to just think about the best Grandpa that anyone could ask for. As Clint said yesterday, he was the toughest most stubborn person we knew, he always wanted to be right there doing everything. He was 76 years old and was still going to the farm everyday to help the boys feed the cows. He lived for that farm. I am going to go down there today or tomorrow and take some pictures, Ill post them later. Here are a few that I found today while I was looking for some to give mom and dad to copy to give to the mortuary.
Anaalee that is SO sweet! He was a great man that taught his kids good values and the importance of hard work! You are a very sweet grandaughter! :)