So I guess its finally time to get back to regular life.. haha! I have had a week or so away from home, away from work, away from my everyday duties. So I guess that I should get back to what I should be doing!!
I have added another day into my work schedule. I am know working

ht swing shift!! Its hard for me to just sit at home all week. I have always been use to working 2 to 3 jobs since I was out of high school. So going to only working 1 job twice a week was hard. Don't get me wrong at all, I love being able to spend time with my daughter all the time and not having to leave her at some random persons house, but sometimes you just need mommy time... and if that includes working, that is gonna have to work. Plus its an extra hundred dollars in my pocket!! We will see how it works!
I am so
SICK OF SNOW!! I really wish right now that it would stop and the sun come out and melt it all and let it be
SPRING!! I really miss b

eing able to work out

in the yard, planting flowers or in my garden. That was the highlight of my
SUMMER last year. I'm excited to see Ashlynn play outside and help me with my flowers this year. She loves flowers, dirt, and being outside!! So I decided the other day that while we had snow, we better get out and enjoy it instead of being negative about it... So Friday afternoon we went
SLEDDING!! Ashlynn, Kody and I w

ent up to the elementary school with Melinda and her 2 girls and went sledding. Ashlynn loved it. Everytime we went down the hill, she started yelling 'wahooooo'. We got to the bottom and she'd turn around and say 'gin'. SHE LOVED IT! We stayed for about an hour and went back out yesterday. We decided to put the 2 young girls in the sled and push them down by themselves. Taryne and Ashlynn had sooo much fun riding together, which was nice for Melinda and I because we got to go down on the single sleds by ourselves! It was a blast! Have to do that again soon!!
Last but not least... Gotta get back on the biggest loser diet challenge. I have bee

n slacking and with everything going on the last couple of weeks I have gained all my weight back. Starting tomorrow, which starts a new week, I am going to be good. I am starting back on
HERBALIFE and going to stick with it. When I was on it last year, I lost a lot of weight and inches. I cant even fit in them.... its SAD!! So I am making it my goal this week to loose at least 5 pounds. I know I can do it, when I tried it 6 months ago I did it in one day. So we will see what happens!! Wish me luck! I am sure I will post before that, but if not I will post next Monday or Tuesday to let you know what happened!
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