Sunday, January 17, 2010

Peace, Love, Happiness....

I found this picture today while I am sitting at work. This week has been a week from hell and I am so ready for this new week to start. I saw this picture and wished so bad that I could be exactly like this, just be peaceful, happy, and in love. I have been a whirlwind of emotions this week and I am glad that its Sunday. Its a start to a new week. A new outlook on life, my relationship with Ty, being a good mom to Ashlynn, and friendships.

I feel like I have neglected these things in the past few months and have changed into a person who just doesn't care or didn't care. I have tried to be what everyone else wanted me to be, and forgot about the two most important people in my life. I let little things get to me when I shouldn't have and argued and was short with Ty when I should have been the bigger person, who talks and makes things work like an adult. But that goes both ways. Everyone should step back and look at how they are treating the ones that they love, one day they may just up and leave and then you will wish that you would have.

Starting tomorrow I am starting again on Herbalife. We have been in this weight loss challenge for 3 weeks now and I haven't lost very much. I need to kick it into gear. Ty is down quite a few pounds and I am so proud of him. He has kept going, when I know that he just doesn't want to. He put on a pair of pants the other day and they were so loose they fell off of him. He was so excited that he could put them away in his 'fat drawer'.

Here is to a week of peace, love, and happiness......

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