Thursday, May 27, 2010

Loss of a Great Woman..

We will never forget you Susy, Our dear friend. You have touched all of our lives no matter what you have done. I know that you tried to live everyday as it were the last and that is an example to me and my family. Thank you for looking out for Kody and letting him help you in your yard. He truly will miss those fun summer days with you. I will miss your smiling face every time you drove past our house on your motorcycle. The school year will never be the same without you there to drive the kids to school or school functions. I will also never forget that day that Ty tried to catch your llama, I don't think we have ever laughed so hard. You are such an inspiration for all the people you knew. We love you and will miss you so much.

Wednesday morning, Susy crashed the school bus that she was driving as she was on her way to get kids for school. My heart goes out to her family and close friends. She was a rare jewel that will never be replaced!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Dresser Remodel....

So instead of cleaning my house yesterday, I decided to redo a dresser that has been collecting dust in my living room... haha! We got this dresser from my dad a month or so ago. I decided to use it for Ashlynn because the one she had was broken. I have been looking at this website called All Things Thrifty and they redo furniture all the time and I LOVE IT! So I copied them and this is what I did... Enjoy!

The dresser before it MAKEOVER!
This is the Primer I Used... LOVED IT! 
Drawers after they were primed
Drawers after painting them with this color....
Dresser itself after the coat of color...
Then I took wood stain and made it look all antiqued.... like this...
and painted the handles like this...

and put it all together and here is the finished dresser!!
Ashlynn loves it! We put it in her room and it looks really good! I am so proud of myself!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

More Yard Work....

Ok, so the next few posts will be about the same thing, but I am really excited about Yard Work.. am I weird? It is like my saving haven.. I love to be out there! This weekend we didn't really do much of anything else besides Yard Work.... lol!

Friday we went over to the Rupp's House for Curtis' birthday. We had a delicious dinner and yummy peanut butter cake and sat around and chit chatted til all hours of the night. It was fun! Hope you had a good birthday Curtis!!

Yesterday, we decided our first priority would be putting the 10 tons of rock that we got the other day around the yard. I am very pleased with how the boys did. Thank you Ty and Kody for helping to make our yard beautiful! They also added our drip system for our garden. We are planning on planting it this coming weekend since we have to be in town due to Ty being on call... oh well!! Here are some pics of the yard.

My Front Planters and the walkway where we added the rock... it use to be all dirt... I am so happy, NO MORE MUDD!!

Another Planter Box, Not quite finished, I am going to be adding colored flowers soon...,

My cute rocking bench... Its been in Ty's Family forever!

Side Yard... leading back to the garden and back yard

Side Planter.. Yep looks tons better I think!

Back Yard, need to get a patio set!! There is our green chicken coop!! Gotta Love IT!

Ashlynn and I decided to replant my strawberry plants into actual pots for them to live in forever! In the process she decided to eat all of the RED strawberries... So basically... we HAD some Strawberries... I hope we get lots more for jam!!

See the strawberry she picked....

Now eating... yummy!

Then she said, Delicious! lol!

I don't know if I have said anything about our new baby chickens we got last weekend. They are so cute. They grow so fast, Ashlynn loves to say hi to them and blow them kisses but wont touch them. She is scared of them... I don't know why, she would crush them if she stepped on them.. .lol! 
13 of them.. that's right.. anyone want eggs??!!

The smallest one.. how cute right??!! Don't mind the messy laundry/back room... :)

By the end of the day... this is what Ashlynn did...

Yep, she was out! She didn't get her nap because we went to the reservoir and played (I'll post those pictures  tomorrow, they are at my computer at home). She was so tired and I walked into her room and this is how she was sleeping on her bed. Ah love these fun times!!

Well til next time!!  :)

Friday, May 21, 2010

Need more days like this....

Yesterday was such a nice day at my house, we decided we just couldn't let that go to waste!! We went on a four wheeler ride with some friends. We went out towards the North Hills here in Enterprise. We were trying to find our way back to the old Hebron Town... didn't make it but hopefully we can go again and find the way!! We also stopped and had a picnic, we had a blast! Here are a few pics! Thanks Girls for the fun day!! It was better than staying inside and cleaning my house!! :)

Ashlynn sitting on the four wheeler waiting for all the other girls!

Me and Ashlynn....

Ashlynn and her new friends... :)

Taryne... we love her! Her and her mom also shared their chips with us!! Thanks! :)

Anna and Eva Moody... our newest friends!! They were nice and shared their chips with us!!

All the Kids near the four wheeler, they had so much fun!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I know, I know. Second post of the day, but I just found some good pictures that I helped with for my sisters dance team. Click HERE to go to the website. They do awesome pictures!! Paul is amazing at what he does and they just got a new virtual backdrop that is really neat. I have added a few of those pictures in here too....

They turned out good right?? I think so! Go to his website to check out other pictures on there!!

Busy Weekend

So its been a really busy weekend!!

We had an EMS Conference in St George this weekend. I went Friday and Saturday. Oh my gosh! It was so good! I am so glad that I have a department that will pay for me to attend meetings like this. It not only helps continue my education, but its great information to update. On Friday, we got to do a mock drill at the Sunbowl where we had 4 vehicles that were involved in a Traffic Accident. It was so neat to see how other agencies work and how well we all work together. It was crazy, but it really was a blast! We also did a skills workshop, which means we go around to different skill stations that test our levels on skills. It ranged from CPR, to establishing an airway, to treating someone with chest pain or diabetes, packaging someone who has fallen, or delivering a baby. I thought we did awesome, but when the results came back.. we were 2nd to last. :( Oh well, we all learned and that was the point of the skills stations!

Saturday we sat in classes all day. I got to learn about Customer Service. I don't ever think of customer service when it comes to being an EMT. I am only thinking of the patient. Well, we learned that it is important. We also learned about Farm Emergencies... which is good for the area that we live.. duh!! FARM COUNTY!! lol! I also spent the last 3 hours of the conference learning about cardiac emergencies and heart rhythms. So if you are having a heart attack, I know more info that I can help save your life.. haha!!

Ty came to St George and picked me up on Saturday after my meetings. We went to IFA and Star Nursery. Between the two stores we spent roughly 300 dollars and stuff for the yard. We got all the things we needed to do our sprinkling system and drip system for my new plants. We also got some stones to put around our fence where the dogs have killed the grass from walking back and forth on. I was so stoked! We also got some new baby chicks. Our others are nearing the end of their "egg laying" life and so we got 13 new ones to start raising so we can keep getting eggs!  Ashlynn is scared to touch them, but loves to look at them!

Yesterday we set up all of our drip systems in my plants and set them to turn on with the sprinklers everyday. I am so excited! Ty did an amazing job setting them up, I was just told that he used to be a landscaper, so I guess thats why it looked so easy for him... lol! I cant wait til the grass thickens up and we work on the other side of the yard!

Anyways, Sorry for the long post, but like I said... busy weekend!!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Thank You and More Yard Updates....

First of all, I want to thank one of my Very Good Friends, Melinda, for making me a cake yesterday. I was washing dishes and Ashlynn let her into the house, when I turned around she was holding this delicious Spice Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting... OMG... it was so good! It hit the spot! Thanks so much Melinda! It was a perfect thing to help me with the frustrations I was having with Men and the World! Thanks so much for being my friend and not judging me! I am so lucky to have found such a good friend in Enterprise as you! And its a bonus that our two girls are the same age!! I love it! Thanks again Mel!

 Yummy Cake!

Here are the girls: Taryne, Samantha, and Ashlynn from Tuesday Night

Here is the updates from my yard... I already posted this about the roses I planted in the front of my front room window, here is a side view of them.. I just got the green plants today... will be planting friday night if the weather permits.. haha!

Next Picture is of the Trumpet Vine (left) and the other rose bush (right) I planted Monday night. I also have a green shrub to go in btwn them and I will be getting some trelis for the vine to climb.... So excited!
Close up of the rose bush....
This is the side of my house, I have more ideas to do on this side, but for now, just a rose bush and a green shrub... hopefully!
Here is a picture of the Garden... its all tilled and rows have been made. Peas are planted, just waiting for the weather to warm up and we will be planting.. so ready to get it done!

I just had to add a couple of pictures of my little buddy Zues. He is so lovable and cuddly. I love to let him inside during the day and lay on my bed or the couch with him. Makes me feel bad for being lazy but oh well... come on now.. wouldn't you cuddle with this little guy??!!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Annaleeology ...

Okay....tagged, you should do this too...
Let others know a little more about yourself, re-post this as your name followed by "ology"


 Yes, you reading this. You're tagged. Now that you know more about me than you ever wanted to know, play the game. Be nice.


*What is your salad dressing of choice? Ranch.. I know I am boring!!

*What is your favorite sit down restaurant?  Pancho and Leftys – yummy!

*What is your favorite fast food restaurant?  Probably  Wendys or Taco Bell

*What food could you eat every day for two weeks and not get sick of? Frozen Bean and Cheese Burritos.. and I don’t know why…

*What are your pizza toppings of choice? Ham and Pineapple

*How many televisions are in your house? 4

*What color cell phone do you have?  Black..  


*Are you right-handed or left-handed? Right 

*Have you ever had anything removed from your body?  Wisdom Teeth

*What is the last heavy item you lifted? A dresser? Or a Tiller for the garden

*Have you ever been knocked unconscious? Not yet… haha!

*Have you ever fainted?  Not that I remember 


*If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die?  I don’t think so, Id like to live everyday like it was my last and not worry about if  I were going to die or not.

*If you could change your name, what would you change it to? Nothing really, maybe the last name and you all can guess what that would be…

*How many pairs of flip-flops do you own? Only 3 right now…

*Last person you talked to? Someone who called 911… haha!


*Season? Spring/Summer – I love to be outside!

* Holiday ? Christmas by far – love to decorate for Christmas 

*Day of the week?  Fridays.. paydays!

*Month? June – Nicest weather outside!

* Color? Blue!

* Drink? Fountain Coke.. u wanna make my day, bring me a fountain coke! 


*Missing someone?  Princess Ashlynn

*What are you listening to? County Police Channel at work..

*Watching?  The news on TV

Worrying about? If my new rose bushes are going to freeze to death while it’s snowing at my house

*What's the last movie you saw? Little Mermaid.. I know, sad huh?!!

*Do You Smile often?  I try to, sometimes I don’t when I get mad. If you ask Ty, that would be a lot.

*If you could change your eye color what would it be? Hazel. I love my blues, but I’d like to have Hazel

*What's on your wish list for your birthday?  Canon Camera… wish list… bad!!

*Can you do push-ups?  Yes

*Can you do a chin up? HA! No

*Does the future make you more nervous or excited? I’d have to say Excited!

*Have you been in a Car wreck? Only in parking lots

*Have you caused a Car wreck? Nope!

*Do you have an accent? Utahn accent.. That count?

*Last time you cried? Yesterday after the dog ate some of my rose bush right after I planted it.

*Plans tonight?  Hopefully doing my hair, driving home in the snow??!! Watching American Idol

*Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom? Ya I have. Not right now, but have before… L

*Name 3 things you Bought yesterday ? Bread, Strawberry Plants, Potting Soil

*Met someone who changed your life? Yes, obviously

*For the better or worse?? Better

*How did you bring in the New Year? At my dad’s house, hanging out with my family

*Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? Oh yes. I would have worked harder in College and other things that have gone wrong in my life.

*Have you ever dated someone longer than a year? Yes, currently going on 13 months

*What songs do you sing in the shower? Depends what the music is on my phone

*Have you held hands with someone Today? Ashlynn as we were walking out to the car

*Who was the last person you took a picture of? Ashlynn, of course!

*Are most of the friends in your life new or old? New with some old ones too!

*Do you like pulpy orange juice? Yes! Only Light Pulp though

*What is something your friends make fun of you for? Goofiness I would think. I am a blonde a lot

*Last time you ate peanut butter and jelly? Last week

*What were you doing 12 AM last night? Sleeping – was in a deep sleep by then.

*What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up?  How much it rained last night.

Happy Mother's Day....

Ok so its a few days late, but oh well!!

Mother's Day was pretty good this year. I worked the morning shift at work. After work I headed to Lowe's because they had rose plants on sale and I have been waiting for them to go on sale forever! They were 5 bucks a plant, that is AWESOME! We had a family dinner at the fire station with Ty's Family. It was fun to get together with everyone. When I got home, I found some flowers and a card on the table from Ty. How sweet! Love Ya Babe!

Yesterday morning was so nice outside. The wind was blowing, but it was tolerable. So I decided to go outside and plant the flowers and stuff I had got for Mother's Day. Here are a few pics of what I did yesterday. We also planted our peas in our garden.. I can't wait until we get to plant everything else!

The orange flowers I got for Mother's Day from my mom, so I planted them in this pot and planted the extra smaller flowers in the fire truck I bought last year that has just been sitting around.. cute huh?!

This is a plant I bought at Lowe's. It makes my front porch look so neat, especially with the other flowers!

JFK Rose plant that I planted in my front planter area.. I hope it blooms soon! I love white roses!

Christian Dior Rose Plant in the front planter, Pink roses... Can't wait!

I went to Carter's Grocery Store yesterday and they had strawberry plants on sale for 2.50 for 6. I got lots so I can make some strawberry jam! Yum!

These are the flowers I got for Mother's Day from Ty... Pretty huh?!!

I love this time of the year, I don't know how many times I say that, but I really do!!

Next few steps...

1. Clear out side of yard where the gross thorny bush and old dead tree was. Add sitting area and planters over there.
2. Get plastic edging to add around the grass
3. Fill in the holes where the grass is missing...
4. Plant the Garden...

Hope the weather cooperates!