Friday, May 21, 2010

Need more days like this....

Yesterday was such a nice day at my house, we decided we just couldn't let that go to waste!! We went on a four wheeler ride with some friends. We went out towards the North Hills here in Enterprise. We were trying to find our way back to the old Hebron Town... didn't make it but hopefully we can go again and find the way!! We also stopped and had a picnic, we had a blast! Here are a few pics! Thanks Girls for the fun day!! It was better than staying inside and cleaning my house!! :)

Ashlynn sitting on the four wheeler waiting for all the other girls!

Me and Ashlynn....

Ashlynn and her new friends... :)

Taryne... we love her! Her and her mom also shared their chips with us!! Thanks! :)

Anna and Eva Moody... our newest friends!! They were nice and shared their chips with us!!

All the Kids near the four wheeler, they had so much fun!


  1. How fun!!! K she is so cute. When you put your faces together like that, she looks so much like you. Isn't that amazing? ;)

  2. It was fun! We will have to go again!....only on a day with no other obligations. ;)
