Thursday, May 6, 2010


Yes you read it right.... BABIES...

NO its not me! haha! Its Ashlynn's cat. She has decided to get pregnant and we are just noticing it.... guess its my fault tho.. I haven't had her fixed. :( So we will be welcoming some new baby kittens here in the next few weeks! I never have taken care of kittens from birth, if any of you have any info that would help I would love it! Also if anyone is wanting an extra cat... I will be more than willing to give them to you!! HA! Just let me know! Thanks!


  1. Ha! I do believe our cat is pregnant also! So if you find any extra takers on your kittens send them my way! Hehe! These will be good mousers! :)

  2. Serious??!! Geez is there one certain 'PIMP' cat running around the neighborhood?? Goodness!!
