Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Busy Weekend

So its been a really busy weekend!!

We had an EMS Conference in St George this weekend. I went Friday and Saturday. Oh my gosh! It was so good! I am so glad that I have a department that will pay for me to attend meetings like this. It not only helps continue my education, but its great information to update. On Friday, we got to do a mock drill at the Sunbowl where we had 4 vehicles that were involved in a Traffic Accident. It was so neat to see how other agencies work and how well we all work together. It was crazy, but it really was a blast! We also did a skills workshop, which means we go around to different skill stations that test our levels on skills. It ranged from CPR, to establishing an airway, to treating someone with chest pain or diabetes, packaging someone who has fallen, or delivering a baby. I thought we did awesome, but when the results came back.. we were 2nd to last. :( Oh well, we all learned and that was the point of the skills stations!

Saturday we sat in classes all day. I got to learn about Customer Service. I don't ever think of customer service when it comes to being an EMT. I am only thinking of the patient. Well, we learned that it is important. We also learned about Farm Emergencies... which is good for the area that we live.. duh!! FARM COUNTY!! lol! I also spent the last 3 hours of the conference learning about cardiac emergencies and heart rhythms. So if you are having a heart attack, I know more info that I can help save your life.. haha!!

Ty came to St George and picked me up on Saturday after my meetings. We went to IFA and Star Nursery. Between the two stores we spent roughly 300 dollars and stuff for the yard. We got all the things we needed to do our sprinkling system and drip system for my new plants. We also got some stones to put around our fence where the dogs have killed the grass from walking back and forth on. I was so stoked! We also got some new baby chicks. Our others are nearing the end of their "egg laying" life and so we got 13 new ones to start raising so we can keep getting eggs!  Ashlynn is scared to touch them, but loves to look at them!

Yesterday we set up all of our drip systems in my plants and set them to turn on with the sprinklers everyday. I am so excited! Ty did an amazing job setting them up, I was just told that he used to be a landscaper, so I guess thats why it looked so easy for him... lol! I cant wait til the grass thickens up and we work on the other side of the yard!

Anyways, Sorry for the long post, but like I said... busy weekend!!

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