Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Biggest Loser Diet Challenge... Day 1 & 2

Well we are off! The Challenge officially started yesterday! I am so pumped!! I am not sure how many people are in the challenge.. but there is like 200 bucks at stake! I am so gonna win! They have a 1st place that takes 75% of the money and 2nd place that takes 25% of the money!

I weighed in yesterday morning.. its sad to say that this is the heaviest I have ever been. I weighed in at 182.6 yesterday. Sad I know! I did go through my cupboards and get rid of all of our junk food. I didn't want there to be a temptation for not only me but for Ty as well.

I decided I would wait for Ty to get off work yesterday before I started the workout so we could do it together... thought it would be easy to push each other... ya.. I made it all the way through the video, with the exception of not doing all the reps. Oh boy am I sore today! It was working you core... ya, my stomach is killing me!! I love it!

I got up this morning, not counting on loosing anything, well I weighed myself and I am down to 179! Wow! 3.6 pounds down! I am so freaking excited! I couldn't believe it! This is going to be awesome! Well, until this weekend when we go to my dad's house and the the Jazz Game! Oh Well!! We will see what happens! I will post again in a few days!

My goal is to loose 50 pounds! That would be freaking amazing if I could do that! Well 3.6 is a start right??!! 3.6 down. 46.4 more to go! Wish me luck!!