Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Ashlynn's Birthday Party

As I promised last night, here are some pictures from Ashlynn's Birthday Party we had on Sunday night. It was lots of fun. We had most of our family there with us. Ashlynn got lots of toys, especially baby dolls, which she loves! She also got an etch-a-sketch from us that she loves to play with. My mom gave her dress up stuff, and Grandma snow gave her bubble stuff. I cant wait til it warms up and she can go outside to play with them!

Here is a video of Ashlynn I took with my phone. She is so silly. When you go to take a picture of her she says "cheese" really big and squints her face, its quite funny. We were at Taco Bell and she was being goofy so I recorded it!! Its making it face the opposite way than the rest of the stuff and I cant figure out how to fix it... so sorry, but you will have to tilt your head to the side!!


  1. Kash does the same thing when im taking pictures.I have a hard time getting pics with his eyes open sometimes cause he is squinting them closed while saying "CHEESE".

  2. lol! Its so funny! I love it! I can't stop laughing when she does it!

  3. My kids do the same thing. Is that how we look to them when we smile? And she is beautiful!
