Friday, March 12, 2010

Happy Birthday Grandpa Childs!!

So today is my Grandpa Childs Birthday. It is so hard to think about him and know how much I miss him. He was always a wonderful grandpa and I couldn't have asked for anyone better than him to be my grandpa. I hope he is having a blast in heaven with Grandma for his birthday. It is crazy to think that 2 years ago today, on his birthday, I was suppose to have Ashlynn. Its just crazy to think that her due date was his birthday and I actually had her on Grandma Childs birthday. I know that it was meant to happen that way. I miss you Grandpa, I hope you are having a wondeeful birthday in heaven with your sweetheart! Know that we are thinking of you and miss you so much. I can't wait to see you again!! *kiss kiss*

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