Thursday, March 11, 2010

Big Girl Ash!!

So yesterday was a milestone for Ashlynn. While she was in the bathtub, she started crying. I ran in there to see what was wrong, and she was pointing into the water. I wasn't quite sure what was going on, so I just started asking her questions. I asked if she needed to go potty. She nodded her head yes. So I got her out of the bathtub and dried her off from the waist down, sat her on the toliet, and low and behold.....


She was a little scared. She almost started to cry until I got all excited and had her give me a high five. Then she knew it was a good thing. I let her wipe her own bum, which is one thing she likes to do whether she goes or not. She was excited, got down and back in the tub she went!!

Well the day continued, she didn't think anything else of it. When I was getting her pajamas on her and changing her bum, she decided to run into the bathroom right after I took the diaper off. I followed her, wondering what she was doing. When I got in there she had climbed back up on the toilet. I sat there with her and all of a sudden she started to go pee again! I was so excited and she knew it! That was TWICE in ONE day!! At this rate we could be potty trained in no time!! She was excited again and gave me another high five, wiped and got down. She ran around the house pretty excited and screaming.

So needless to say, yesterday was a milestone. She is starting to see that going pee on the BIG POTTY is ok! I am so proud of you Ashlynn! Keep it up Princess!


  1. If I would have known I would have told her that was what the balloon and lollie were for! Good job Ashlynn! Now....come and teach Taryne! :)

  2. YEA Ashlynn! Kaylee is doing the same thing. She's better at #2 than #1, but we are averaging only 2 pee accidents a day and no poop accidents. It's so nice when they "get it."
