Saturday, March 27, 2010

Happy Birthday.... tooo.... ME!!

Happy 25th Birthday to ME!!

Wow! It is so crazy to have to post for yourself, but that is ok! I can't believe that I am 25!! Its so wierd. I am 1/4 of the way to 100!! ha! I had a really good birthday this year! I switched my work days so I could have my birthday off, at the request of Ty of course, so Wednesday night I took Ashlynn to my mom's house for her to watch while I worked. She decided she wanted to have a Grandma and Ashlynn sleepover so after I got of work I headed straight home. It was a nice slow drive for me, I wasnt in a hurry at all.. ha!

The next morning, birthday morning, I got to sleep in. Ty and Kody were so amazingly quiet. They usually arent so I was shocked when Ty came home at 1030 and I was still in bed!! Ya, like I said... it was amazing I was still asleep! That NEVER happens! I got up and lounged around, cuddled with my little Zues man. Ty called me at 1130 and said that he had the rest of the day off, told me to get up and shower and get ready to head to St George for the rest of the day. SCORE!

We stopped in Dammeron Valley on the way down to eat lunch at the Red Dog Cafe. It was actually really good. I was surprised. Ty got some coconut pie (his favorite) and said it was the best one that he had ever eaten. After lunch we headed to St George. We went to the mall to go shopping at Dillards, then bummed around for a while. We went to Kohls, I got a new purse!! I haven't have a new purse for over a year.... ya I was in need of one! We went to IFA... and I am very VERY PROUD to say that I now own my very OWN pair of COWBOY BOOTS!! They are so comfy! I love them! They are called FATBABYS and like I said, they are sooo comfy! I love wearing them everywhere! We also went to Star Nursery because I wanted to see how much the plants were going to be for me to plant.

Around 7, we met Curtis and Melinda at Made In Brazil. OH WOW! The food was so yummy!! It was a good place to go to dinner at! Thanks for coming with us guys! I am glad that we had friends with us! After dinner we went to see The Bounty Hunter. OMG! I laughed my butt off! If you ever have time to go and see that movie... do it! Also, Thank you MELINDA for the delicious cheese cake! No one had eaten any of it by the time I got home! Thank you again!

I think this has to be one of the best birthdays yet. I honestly cant remember the last time I went out on my birthday and actually got to spend it with my other half. Thanks babe for the great day! I am very thankful that you are so good to me! I love you!


  1. I was wondering if that was a good looks so dang funny. Glad you had a GrEaT B-day :)

  2. Happy Belated Birthday! I tried to leave a comment once before, but my computer froze on me and I quit trying. It sounds like Ty is very good to you and Ashlynn; I'm happy to hear that! Something about this podunk town makes life enjoyable! Lol! And...You have your first pair of cowboy boots! I'm probably as excited as you!!! Put up a picture! You'll love them and want more, I promise! ;-)

  3. So glad your birthday was a great one!! :) Thank you so much for inviting us! It was fun!! And I am glad no one ate any of your cheesecake before you got home....I really didn't want to have to kick someone's butt!! Lol!
