Friday, March 12, 2010

Sick Again.... REALLY??!!

After being up every hour with Ashlynn last night, I took her temp this morning and it said 102.0. ARE YOU KIDDING ME??!! It wasn't 2 weeks ago that we were doing the same thing. I was so mad! How can she keep getting sick over and over again. So I called the Doctor and luckily got her into see him. So we took a little road trip to St George. Well I could have called it, She has an EAR INFECTION! Serious??!! So she is now on another antibiotic and cough syrup. I am hoping she gets better and I can break her fever.

When we got home, her temp was 103. So I put her in the tub and gave her some medicine. This is the picture I took right after going to the store to get some more motrin, oh and princess fruit snacks..gotta put a smile on her face right??

Well, I'll keep everyone posted to how she is doing!


  1. Poor girl! Hope she is feeling better.

  2. Even though she is sick, she look so cute! I hope your little girl get better soon.
