Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Hannah Montana... really???!!

So Ashlynn now has an obsession with Hannah Montana. OMG! REALLY??!! It is the funniest thing in the world. Last week I stopped at Hollywood Video because they were having a going out of business sale and I bought the Hannah Montana Movie. Um ya, I think that we have watched that movie about once a day. Its so funny to watch her sit in the chair and watch and dance to Hannah Montana. So if you come to my house and see Hannah Montana on, dont be alarmed.... its just a 2 year old in LOVE with Hannah!!

In tune to the tv... watching Hannah

I got her to look away and say cheese ... only for a moment tho....

We went on a walk the other night, Ashlynn decided that she didnt want to be pushed in the stroller but that she wanted to push her baby doll in the doll stroller. It was the cutest thing in the world. I took a picture of her. She only wanted to push her for a little ways and then wanted me to carry it.. we walked to the post office and back... dont think we will do that again, but it was fun at the moment!!

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