Sunday, March 7, 2010

New Furniture!!

Ok so we got some new furniture I want to show everyone! Well, its not brand new but, its new to us! First of all, Ty's sister was getting rid of her king bed so we told her that we wanted it. Yesterday he and I took a little adventure to St George to get it. It is STINKING HEAVY!! I couldn't believe how heavy the bed frame was!! Its really pretty. Makes me feel like a queen in it! Here are a couple of pictures I took of it

It is pretty big for our 'little' master bed room. We are hoping to take out some of our cabinets in our bedroom sometime, so it will have to fit til then! Here is a closer picture of the headboard, its the same for the footboard just smaller! :)

Pretty NICE huh??!! I love it! Thanks Tiff! Another thing we got this week was an old sewing machine cabinet that my uncle had forever and when he moved, he didn't want to keep it. Its been sitting in my moms garage for a little while, ok ok its been there for a long while!! But anyways, I stopped at got it from her house the other day and brought it home.

Its pretty neat. Its very old and I felt like I was going to break it, but it held up and sits perfectly in my room. Another perk to having this desk is... It came with a sewing machine!! I am so excited to start sewing on it! I have to have some lessons first, but I think I can pick up the hang of it!! Thanks Uncle G for the sewing cabinet.

So those are just 2 of the things we got. I forgot to take a picture of the cabinet that Ashlynn got from my mom. It was given to my mom when she was a little girl, I think she was saying that it was built in 1974 by her grandpa. Well it was just sitting collecting dust so they decided to refinish it and give it to Ashlynn to put her dish set in. She got new dishes and pans for Christmas, so instead of buying her a kitchen, we did it this way. I will take pics of that and post them later! Its a really neat little cabinet!


  1. Wow! I love the bed! I am jealous.....some day we may get a headboard too! :)

  2. I love getting new things even if its not brand new. Nice looking bed!
